RASA statement in support of Professor Konstantin Sonin

The Board of Directors of RASA (Russian American Science Association) expresses full and unconditional support to a valued member of our association Professor Konstantin Sonin of the University of Chicago, in connection with a recent reports that a criminal case has been opened against him in Russia on suspicion of publicly disseminating of allegedly «false information about the use of the Russian Armed Forces».

Professor Sonin is an internationally recognized academic, a prominent specialist in the field of economic and social sciences, citizen, publicist, and public figure. He firmly and consistently opposes Russian aggression in Ukraine and defends human rights and the rights of scientists. Professor Sonin belongs to best Russian and world intelligentsia. Like his distinguished predecessors of a century ago, he was forced to leave Russia. We consider the opening of a criminal case against Professor Sonin by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and those who are hiding behind it, to be illegal according to the international and Russian law.There is a bitter irony in the fact that these actions echo the shameful actions of the Soviet government in the 1930s against our great compatriots – scientists George Gamow, Vladimir Ipatieff, Aleksei Chichibabin and many others. Such senseless and inappropriate actions are absurd and reflect the low moral level, limited understanding, and short-sightedness of those who stand behind them. They cause the opposite effect, which was obvious in the last century, and more so in the current era of global dissemination of information. In this case, the persecution of Professor Sonin in Russia attracts more attention, arouses universal sympathy for his support by the civilized world and amplifies the impact of his public statements. In reference here are the grotesque words of our other brilliant compatriot, a writer Nikolai Gogol – “the non-commissioned officer’s widow flogged herself.” We have no doubt that the truth will be obvious to Russian citizens who will eventually recognize that the current government is absolutely unworthy and intolerable.

Board of Directors of the Russian American Science Association (RASA)

Official website of RASA

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Et Cetera