Category: Сreators
Laws of the Whole. An Essay about life and scientific activity of Eugenia Hanfmann
The sixteenth essay in the series “Creators” is dedicated to Evgenia Maksimovna Hanfmann, an outstanding psychologist, professor at Brandeis University. She was born in St. Petersburg, studied in Germany, worked in the USA, where she made a career in research and psychotherapy. Together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) T-invariant continues publishing the series of biographical…
The Joyous Science. An Essay on the Biography and Scientific Activity of George Gamow
The fifteenth essay in the series “Creators” is dedicated to Georgy Gamov, an outstanding physicist and cosmologist, professor at George Washington University and the University of Colorado at Boulder, who made a huge contribution to nuclear physics, cosmology and theoretical biology. Together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) T-invariant continues publishing the series of biographical essays…
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya: “Expectations from the sanctions were clearly too high”
One of the winners of the George Gamow Prize this year was Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, a professor at the Paris School of Economics. In an interview with T-invariant, she told how modern economic science works, whether it is possible to evaluate the results of sanctions and what studies of Goebbels’ propaganda can tell us about the…
Cultural Layer. An Essay on the Biography and Scientific Activity of Mikhail Rostovtsev
The fourteenth essay from the series “Creators” is dedicated to Mikhail Ivanovich Rostovtsev, an outstanding archaeologist and historian of Antiquity, professor at St. Petersburg University and professor at Yale University, who made a huge contribution to historical science. Together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association), T-invariant continues publishing the series of biographical essays “Creators”
…but it is possible to sell authorship. How a Moscow company forges scientific articles and places them in foreign journals
Recently, American scientist Sam Payne received a review of his own article published three years earlier, but now its authors were five employees of Sechenov University. So the world scientific community learnt about the Russian company “International Publisher”, which is engaged in the production of fake scientific articles and places them for money in major…
Global Challenges and the Search for Harmony in the Context of the Sakharov Paradigm
The problems of various countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Israel, the USA and China, are part of the global agenda of the future of humanity, including technological and humanistic issues that are being revised today and worry many of us. About the new “dispute of physicists and lyricists” in the context of the Sakharov paradigm “Peace,…
Late Flight. An Essay on the Biography and Scientific Activity of Michael Stroukoff
The thirteenth essay from the series “Creators” is dedicated to Michael Stroukoff , an engineer, architect and aircraft designer who built both the famous knowledge in Washington and one of the most famous planes of the Vietnam War. Together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) T-invariant continues publishing the series of biographical essays “Creators”.
Selecting the best vs academic equality: why DEI practices are not catching on in Germany
A recent article by a group of American professors on the introduction of DEI into university practice in the United States has caused a wide resonance. To what extent can DEI be considered a purely American phenomenon, and to what extent has it been assimilated by academic communities in other countries? Germany is a curious…
Microscope and shell. An essay on the biography and scientific work of Pavel Galtsov
The twelfth essay in the series “Creators” is dedicated to Pavel Semyonovich Galtsov, an outstanding marine biologist who changed the entire oyster industry in America and became the founder of mollusc biology. Together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) T-invariant continues publishing a series of biographical essays “Creators” about people from the Russian Empire who made…
Attraction of the goal. Essay on the biography and scientific work of Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina
The eleventh essay in the series “Creators” is dedicated to the outstanding psychologist Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina. She was born in Chita, studied with one of the founders of Gestalt psychology Kurt Lewin in the 1920s, and worked for many years in American universities.
Concrete “Phantom”. Essay on the biography and activities of Vladimir Yurkevich
The tenth essay in the “Creators” series is dedicated to Vladimir Yurkevich (also spelled as ‘Yourkevitch’), an outstanding shipbuilder who built ships in Russia, France, and America. He improved the ship hull and developed radio-controlled ships without a crew. T-invariant continues the “Creators” project together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association).
Sever the Sky. Essay on the biography and activities of Alexander Prokofiev-Seversky
The ninth essay in the “Creators” series is dedicated to Alexander Prokofiev-Seversky, pilot, aircraft designer, military analyst, one of the developers of modern military aviation doctrine. The “Creators” project was created jointly with RASA (Russian-American Science Association).
Personal resistance. Essay on the biography and scientific activity of Stepan Timoshenko
The eighth essay in the “Creators” series is dedicated to Stepan Timoshenko, one of the founders of modern applied mechanics. In the “Creators” project T-invariant in collaboration with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) continues to publish a series of biographical essays about people from the Russian Empire who made significant contributions to world science and technology.
Basta tollerare il regime di Putin! Un appello di studiosi del mondo intero
Due anni fa, senza aver subito attacchi precedenti di sorta, Vladimir Putin ha lanciato un’aggressione militare su vasta scala contro l’Ucraina; ne sono risultati massacri e distruzioni a livelli mai visti dalla Seconda guerra mondiale. La guerra contro l’Ucraina ha coinciso con una repressione grave e sempre maggiore contro il dissenso politico e la libertà…
Aucune tolérance envers le régime de Poutine !
Un appel d’universitaires du monde entierAucune tolérance envers le régime de Poutine ! Un appel d’universitaires du monde entier
¡Basta de tolerancia con el régimen de Putin!
Un llamamiento de los académicos del mundoHace dos años, Vladimir Putin inició una agresión militar no provocada contra Ucrania, causando muerte y destrucción inéditos desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La guerra contra Ucrania coincidió con una creciente y severa represión de la disidencia política y la libertad de expresión en Rusia. Hace poco, el mundo se ha quedado sobrecogido por la…
Não mais tolerância ao regime de Putin!
Um apelo dos acadêmicos do mundoHá dois anos, Vladimir Putin iniciou uma agressão militar em larga escala não provocada contra a Ucrânia, resultando em mortes e destruição nunca vistas desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A guerra contra a Ucrânia coincidiu com uma repressão crescente e severa à dissidência política e à liberdade de expressão dentro da Rússia. Recentemente, o mundo…
The Air Routes. The Essay on the biography and scientific activity of Igor Sikorsky
The seventh essay in the “Creators” series is dedicated to Igor Sikorsky, one of the founders of modern aviation. In the “Creators” project, T-invariant together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) continues to publish a series of biographical essays about people from the Russian Empire who made significant contributions to world science and technology.
Tamer of Anger. Essay on the biography and scientific activities of Tamara Dembo
The sixth essay in the “Creators” series is dedicated to Tamara Dembo, an outstanding psychologist whose work on the study of “anger as a dynamic problem” and the rehabilitation of people with disabilities remains scientifically relevant to this day. The “Creators” project, created by T-invariant together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association), talks about people from…
How a scientist from Odessa saved the 20th century from plague and cholera. Essay on the biography and scientific activities of Vladimir Haffkine
The fifth essay in the “Creators” series is dedicated to Vladimir (Waldemar) Haffkine, the creator of the first effective vaccines against cholera and plague. At the end of the 19th century, Haffkine carried out the first mass vaccination in India. His laboratories have developed and produced tens of millions of doses of cholera and plague…
Spiderman from Yale. Essay on the biography and scientific activities of Alexander Petrunkevitch
Within the project “Creators” T-invariant together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) continues to publish a series of biographical essays about people from Russian Empire, who made a significant contribution to world science and technology. Alexander Petrunkevitch was born in the Chernigov Governorate, but most of his life he worked at Yale University. He became especially…
The raven who saw the dwarfs. Essay on the biography and scientific activity of Alexander Vysotsky
Within the project “Creators” T-invariant together with RASA (Russian-American Science Association) continues to publish a series of biographical essays about people from Russian Empire, who made a significant contribution to world science and technology. The essay is dedicated to astronomer Alexander Vysotsky. He had worked at the observatory of the University of Virginia. There he…
Man of the Earth. Essay on the biography and scientific activity of Selman Waksman
T-invariant, in collaboration with RASA, is launching the “Creators” project. The project will publish a series of essays on immigrants from the Russian Empire who have made significant contributions to global science and technology. The first essay is dedicated to Selman Waksman, Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of streptomycin.
George Kistiakowsky — the Unknown Father of the American Bomb
His ideal was a quiet university job, but life made him a “merchant of death.” Georgy Kistyakowsky’s name does not appear in a history textbook. But it was his knowledge that helped turn the tide of World War II and influenced the policies of one of the two superpowers. Though it wasn’t even his homeland.
Öppet brev från ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister i protest mot kriget i Ukraina
Vi är ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister och vi protesterar med kraft mot den krigföring som vårt lands väpnade styrkor har inlett på Ukrainas territorium. Detta är ett ödesdigert steg som kommer att kräva en väldig mängd mänskliga offer och som angriper det etablerade internationella säkerhetssystemets grundvalar. Skulden för att ett nytt krig nu drabbar Europa…
La carta abierta de varios cientos científicos y periodistas científicos rusos
Nuestra decidida protesta contra las acciones militares lanzadas por las fuerzas armadas de nuestro país en el territorio de Ucrania. Este paso fatal conduce a una enorme pérdida de vidas y socava los cimientos del sistema existente de seguridad internacional. La responsabilidad de desatar una nueva guerra en Europa recae enteramente en Rusia.
Nous exigeons l’arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre dirigés contre l’Ukraine
Nous, chercheurs et journalistes scientifiques russes, exprimons ici notre protestation énergique contre les actes de guerre lancés par les forces armées de notre pays sur le territoire de l’Ukraine. Cette décision fatale causera la mort d’un très grand nombre de gens. Elle sape les fondements du système de sécurité collective. La responsabilité du déclenchement de…