Category: Progress
State Corporation “Unified Perimeter”.
How Putin’s daughter and her photomodel friend decided to make Innopraktika an integrator of all high-tech companiesThe Innopraktika Foundation of Vladimir Putin’s daughter, Katerina Tikhonova, has made a number of statements about its readiness to gather development institutions into “one perimeter”. The public speaker to promote these initiatives was Tikhonova’s friend Natalia Popova, a former photo model and now the first deputy general director of Innopraktika. Over the past few years,…
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya: “Expectations from the sanctions were clearly too high”
One of the winners of the George Gamow Prize this year was Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, a professor at the Paris School of Economics. In an interview with T-invariant, she told how modern economic science works, whether it is possible to evaluate the results of sanctions and what studies of Goebbels’ propaganda can tell us about the…
…but it is possible to sell authorship. How a Moscow company forges scientific articles and places them in foreign journals
Recently, American scientist Sam Payne received a review of his own article published three years earlier, but now its authors were five employees of Sechenov University. So the world scientific community learnt about the Russian company “International Publisher”, which is engaged in the production of fake scientific articles and places them for money in major…
Global Challenges and the Search for Harmony in the Context of the Sakharov Paradigm
The problems of various countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Israel, the USA and China, are part of the global agenda of the future of humanity, including technological and humanistic issues that are being revised today and worry many of us. About the new “dispute of physicists and lyricists” in the context of the Sakharov paradigm “Peace,…
The winners of the 2024 Georgiy Gamov Prize have been announced
The Russian-American Association of Scholars has announced the names of the winners of the prize, which is awarded to members of the Russian-speaking scientific diaspora. This year they were Professor Ekaterina Zhuravskaya of the Paris School of Economics and Professor Vladimir Vapnik of Columbia University.
Selecting the best vs academic equality: why DEI practices are not catching on in Germany
A recent article by a group of American professors on the introduction of DEI into university practice in the United States has caused a wide resonance. To what extent can DEI be considered a purely American phenomenon, and to what extent has it been assimilated by academic communities in other countries? Germany is a curious…
Aucune tolérance envers le régime de Poutine !
Un appel d’universitaires du monde entierAucune tolérance envers le régime de Poutine ! Un appel d’universitaires du monde entier
¡Basta de tolerancia con el régimen de Putin!
Un llamamiento de los académicos del mundoHace dos años, Vladimir Putin inició una agresión militar no provocada contra Ucrania, causando muerte y destrucción inéditos desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La guerra contra Ucrania coincidió con una creciente y severa represión de la disidencia política y la libertad de expresión en Rusia. Hace poco, el mundo se ha quedado sobrecogido por la…
Não mais tolerância ao regime de Putin!
Um apelo dos acadêmicos do mundoHá dois anos, Vladimir Putin iniciou uma agressão militar em larga escala não provocada contra a Ucrânia, resultando em mortes e destruição nunca vistas desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A guerra contra a Ucrânia coincidiu com uma repressão crescente e severa à dissidência política e à liberdade de expressão dentro da Rússia. Recentemente, o mundo…
Basta tollerare il regime di Putin! Un appello di studiosi del mondo intero
Due anni fa, senza aver subito attacchi precedenti di sorta, Vladimir Putin ha lanciato un’aggressione militare su vasta scala contro l’Ucraina; ne sono risultati massacri e distruzioni a livelli mai visti dalla Seconda guerra mondiale. La guerra contro l’Ucraina ha coinciso con una repressione grave e sempre maggiore contro il dissenso politico e la libertà…
Black Shaheds will be assembled in Togliatti instead of cars
In Togliatti, in the local special economic zone (SEZ), they can build another plant for the assembly of Iranian combat drones. There is no official information about this and in words the plans are purely peaceful. The EFKO group of companies, the founder of enterprises producing drones in Tolyatti, pretends that it has nothing to…
Igor Efimov: “It will take decades to restore Russian science after Putin…”
How do Russian-speaking scientists work in America today during the war in Ukraine? Why is it important to maintain contact with colleagues from the countries of the former USSR? What awaits Russian science after Putin? We talked about these and other topics with Igor Efimov, professor of biomedical engineering and medicine at Northwestern University in…
And Jupiter is ours, and Europe is ours
The Special Economic Zone (SEZ) “Alabuga”, which has already hit the pages of all the world’s media this year with a series of high-profile scandals, this time swung at the solar system and acted as a collective Ostap Bender for all the money – namely 491 trillion rubles . Leading Russian astrophysicists responded by recalling…
Andrei Zorin and Victor Chernozhukov are the new George Gamow award laureates
G.A. Gamow award, established by the Russian-American Association of Scientists (RASA-America, Russian-American Science Association) in memory of the outstanding Russian-American physicist, Professor Georgy Antonovich Gamow (1904-1968) for 2023 is awarded to Andrei Zorin, professor at the Oxford University (The United Kingdom) and Victor Chernozhukov, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
«Are there now enough Curies, Bohrs, and Rutherfords to help scientists from these three countries?» Natalia Berloff on the new symbolism of the Gamow Prize
In 2023, the Georgy Gamow Prize will again be awarded to two scientists. The organizer, the Russian-American Association of Scientists (RASA), announced the start of the collection of nominations. This year, the Gamov Prize committee was chaired by Cambridge (UK) professor Natalia Berloff.
Letter from Billionaires: Stop Artificial Intelligence!
The head of Tesla and SpaceX Ilon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and more than a thousand experts signed an open letter calling for a halt in the development of a «giant artificial intelligence.» The text of the letter was published by Future of Life Institute. T-Invariant asked experts and AI to comment on this…
Steampunk and a Thinking Crystal
Artificial Intelligence is preparing to supplant copyright. It radically changes the notion of «copy» underlying copyright protection. In fact, the «copy» is hardly distinguishable from the new «original». Will the copyright, born in the age of steam engines, withstand?
Why do we run the T-invariant
The T-invariant is a media with the mission to constantly remind us of timeless civilizational invariants, and to unite the community of people who hold them as living values.
Öppet brev från ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister i protest mot kriget i Ukraina
Vi är ryska forskare och vetenskapsjournalister och vi protesterar med kraft mot den krigföring som vårt lands väpnade styrkor har inlett på Ukrainas territorium. Detta är ett ödesdigert steg som kommer att kräva en väldig mängd mänskliga offer och som angriper det etablerade internationella säkerhetssystemets grundvalar. Skulden för att ett nytt krig nu drabbar Europa…
La carta abierta de varios cientos científicos y periodistas científicos rusos
Nuestra decidida protesta contra las acciones militares lanzadas por las fuerzas armadas de nuestro país en el territorio de Ucrania. Este paso fatal conduce a una enorme pérdida de vidas y socava los cimientos del sistema existente de seguridad internacional. La responsabilidad de desatar una nueva guerra en Europa recae enteramente en Rusia.
Nous exigeons l’arrêt immédiat de tous les actes de guerre dirigés contre l’Ukraine
Nous, chercheurs et journalistes scientifiques russes, exprimons ici notre protestation énergique contre les actes de guerre lancés par les forces armées de notre pays sur le territoire de l’Ukraine. Cette décision fatale causera la mort d’un très grand nombre de gens. Elle sape les fondements du système de sécurité collective. La responsabilité du déclenchement de…